The art of passing PMP® Exam on the first try
Passing PMP Exam in half the time!
Do you know that PMP is nowadays the most challenging and valuable project management certification? We provide top-notch quality training with turn-key licensed content and exam questions from PMI®. No boring lectures. A great combination of lessons and exam questions to build your strategies for answering exam questions quickly. No one-size-fits-all training. A customized study plan for each customer to minimize your self-study time.
Passing PMP Exam at half the cost!
Do you know several providers of this training offer double or even triple price? With over a decade of delivering PMP Exam Prep, our high customer volume keeps us at the best market price. Our in-house instructors with in-depth know-how have maintained a passing rate on the first try of 100% in the last three years. Thousands of our customers never pay for a second try. Spend money wisely.
6 exclusive benefits when enrolling PMP® Exam Prep course at IMT-PM:
1. 35 hours of interactive training
Small classes with up to 10 attendances via Zoom always bring remarkable success. You will gain the most confidence to answer exam questions correctly on the first try. PMI® automatically approves 35 hours of professional education. Enjoy a world-class instructional experience!
2. PMI-developed materials
You can access PMI® Authorized PMP® Exam Prep materials on PMI® LO Choice within 24 hours after payment. The finest materials are available on the market today.
3. PMI-developed mock tests
PMI® frequently shares exam questions with Authorized Training Partners at the Premier tier. Explore this privilege on our LMS Portal after enrollment! Let’s practise the most trusted mock exams.
4. Exam cheat sheet
5-page cheat sheet developed by our world-class instructors with in-depth know-how. Don’t spend extra money on unverified resources!
5. Customized study plan
You deserve a customized study plan that works best for you. At IMT-PM, we believe in the art of passing the PMP® exam in half the time and half the cost. It helped 100% of our customers pass the new PMP exam on the first try in the last three years.
6. PMP® application reviews
Yes, we are here to help. You can request PMP® application reviews and as many one-to-one discussions as you need with our inspired and enthusiastic instructor until you become a PMP®.
3 steps to pass PMP Exam on the first try!
Feeling Nervous or Stressed About Your Upcoming PMP® Exam? You’re not alone. We’ll make sure you feel confident about your PMP® exam day.
Explore our PMI® Authorized PMP® Exam Prep training!
Let’s pass PMP® Exam easily by studying PMI® Official Course!
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