
Do I Need Giving Back PDUs To Renew My PMP® Certification?

The short answer is NO.

PMI® classifies PDUs into two different categories: Education and Giving Back. PMI® defines learning as Education PDUs. And “Giving Back PDUs related to activities that enable you to share and apply your knowledge and skills to contribute to and help build the profession. Education PDUs are COMPULSORY. Giving Back PDUs are OPTIONAL.


On the one hand, PMI® requires a PMP® holder to earn at least 35 Education PDUs out of 60 PDUs to renew the certificate every 3-year cycle. And a PMP® holder can earn up to 60 Educational PDUs to renew the certificate. There is NO LIMITATION on Education PDUs.

On the other hand, Giving Back PDUs are not mandatory for PMP® renewal. Some PMP® holders want to claim Giving Back PDUs; however, PMI® limits 25 maximum Giving Back PDUs every 3-year cycle. Some PMP® holders do not claim Giving Back PDUs because they have enough Education PDUs to keep their certification in good standing for the next 3-year cycle.

IMT-PM, PMI® Authorized Training Partner (Premier tier) provides a 60 PDUs Bundle to help PMP® holders renew certificates with peace of mind. 100% PDUs in the 60 PDUs Bundle are Education PDUs. Additionally, 100% PDUs in the 60 PDUs Bundle are pre-approved PDUs. PMI® has already approved every single PDU in the 60 PDU Bundle. After PMP® holders finish the training, PMP® holders will receive PDU Claim Code for each training and will claim PDUs on PMI® CCRS. It takes the PMP® holder less than one minute to complete everything, and PMI® will approve automatically.

Let’s explore the most convenient way to earn PDUs, the fasted way to claim PDUs and the peace of mind to keep your certificate in good standing after every three years.

IMT-PM is the PMI® Authorized Training Partner (Premier tier). We offer various courses for all kinds of PMI® certification renewal. Our PDU Bundles will help you renew PMP®/CAPM®/PgMP®/PfMP®/PMI-PBA®/PMI-ACP®/PMI-RMP®/PMI-SP®/DASM/DASSM/DAC/DAVSC certification.

Explore our best-seller PDU courses!

60 PDUs Bundle – 50 PDUs Bundle – 40 PDUs Bundle – 30 PDUs to renew PMI-ACP® – 15 PDUs to Renew CAPM®

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