
3 Ways To Earn 60 PDUs On A Tight Budget

Have you passed the PMP® exam to become a certified project manager? Now, you may be wondering how to maintain your certification. This article will explain what PDUs are, how to get them without spending too much money on certification renewal.


PDU is the antonym of Professional Development Unit that is the measurement for your ongoing professional development. In other words, PDU is a unit to keep an eye on your professional growth. By earning 60 PDUs within a course of 3 years, your certification can remain active referring to PMI® requirements. As soon as you have obtained your PMP® certification, your certification cycle is activated.


There are some ways to get 60 PDUs without paying too much. 

1. Watching Webinars. Just by using your PMI® membership, you can earn free PDUs from PMI® by watching videos. With 1 hour of webinar or video, you can earn 1 PDU. So, if you are not under a time constraint, you can watch 60 videos or webinars of any topics to earn 60 PDUs.

2. Work as a project manager. With the role of a project manager, you can earn up to 8 PDUs per certification cycle. The PDUs claimed in this category are counted as Giving Back PDUs, and it only applies to your current cycle and cannot be transferred.

3. Contributing new knowledge. You can earn PDUs in this category through many activities, such as authoring or co-authoring articles/books/newsletters, presenting a webinar or podcast, making presentations or delivering courses. Every hour of preparation or delivery these activities can be equal to 1 PDU. 

These ways will cost you almost nothing but some self-discipline and time. Earning 60 PDUs on a limited budget is not impossible. However, you may need a lot of time and effort to fulfill the required 60 PDUs. The most effective way to earn 60 PDUs at ease is to register for an online course with self-paced learning. 

Many courses are audio or video-based training which you can learn at your own pace anytime and anywhere. After these courses, you can claim PDUs immediately without any hidden fees. This saves you time and energy, and it is a lot more budget-friendly than other methods.

IMT-PM is the PMI® Authorized Training Partner (Premier tier). We offer various courses for all kinds of PMI® certification renewal. Our PDU Bundles will help you renew PMP®/CAPM®/PgMP®/PfMP®/PMI-PBA®/PMI-ACP®/PMI-RMP®/PMI-SP®/DASM/DASSM/DAC/DAVSC certification.

Explore our best-seller PDU courses!

60 PDUs Bundle – 50 PDUs Bundle – 40 PDUs Bundle – 30 PDUs to renew PMI-ACP® – 15 PDUs to Renew CAPM®

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